Our first ever airbnb installation experience

Oooooh baby, you heard that right! We officially installed our first Airbnb and we are STOKED. It turned out so much better than we anticipated! We got the keys on the 21st of December, and thankfully the ordering and designing was completed weeks before! We loaded up the covered trailer to the brim with all of the items for install and got to work.

First stop was coffee (of course) and then we headed to the Sherwin Williams store to pick up the accent paint for our mural walls. We had two specific murals planned for this Airbnb; one for the entry and one in the bedroom. On the spot, we decided to add a mural that coordinated with the front entry on the television wall - and we are so glad that we did! We also made a few of our own custom wall art pieces and it really made the space a one-of-a-kind. When you hire us to install the design, you not only get designers, but you get two artists as well!

The inspiration for this unit came from the mural above. I found a pattern while looking through Pinterest one day and everything started clicking. I knew that this design was going to be very abstract because of that and I wanted to marry the abstract with a sophistication. We selected leather pieces with marble topped nested coffee tables for the main living space. We thought that these pieces pulled in the level of sophistication that we envisioned to elevate the abstract art and decor.

Overall this process took a lot of work. It's easy to see these photos and think wow, that looks so great, but getting it to all come together took a week of long days. We drove to the site first thing in the morning and didn't leave until around midnight (additional hours were spent beforehand on the design/selections stage and then the weeks as the orders arrived and began overtaking our garage). As Airbnb designers, we know and understand the importance of getting a design to the finished product in the shortest amount of time possible. Making a profit can't happen until every last detail is taken care of. This unit happened to be going up the week of Christmas but that didn't stop us from getting it installed and photographed in time for the New Year!

We spent the first three or so days getting all of the murals painted and then the remaining days were spent putting together all of the furniture. Which let us tell you, it was a whirlwind of boxes, random screws and bolts, alan wrenches of all different sizes, and styrofoam EVERYWHERE.

Cass and I were talking on our last install day about how this experience didn't feel like work but felt like something we were doing just for fun. It continually kept our creative juices flowing and we feel so grateful and over the moon to niche down in this part of the industry. We finally feel like we are home.

Could you use this kind of design in your short term rental?? If so, please give us a shout, we would love to help you make the most out of your next investment!
